mardi 16 novembre 2010

Before the wedding

Mathieu Cinq-Mars

Monday, July 16, 1894

8h: 30 Their is only few hours between my title of unmarried man and my new title of husband. I’m sure that Gwendoleen will be the greatest wife for me. She has made me do a lot of change in fact she’s the second greatest thing that had happened in my life. Obviously, the first one is the discovery of my real name.

10:30 I’m so happy now that my name is Ernest; the most amazing aspect of this is that I have always be Ernest for all my life because it was my real name. I have realized all the new quality that I have now developed has an earnest living. I’m now much more honest I even don’t feel the need of going in London to be unrespectable. The reason of all these new qualities is certainly because of my new and extraordinary name.

12:30 I had only one regret, I’m mad at myself that I had let my little Cecily into the hands of a Bunburyist. What a stupid idea is that... who could seriously be named M. Bunbury. Their is no doubt that he will continue his unacceptable way of living for the rest of his life. But my love for Gwendoleen is more powerful than these regrets so I must let Cecily made her decisions.

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